Rachel Sampson 1803 Ladies Sewing Pocket Finishing Instructions

Cross-stitch Ladies sewing pocket Rachel Sampson 1803

Supplies Needed:                                                              

2 - 10 x 13 inch pieces of fabric for the bag

2 - 24 inch ribbons for the drawstring

1 Safety pin and straight pins

Completed Rachel Sampson 1803 sampler


1. Press 1/4 inch to wrong side of both pieces of fabric on one side

2. Place two pieces fabric right sides together and match up folded sides

3. Measure down 2 inches from the fold and pin fabric together on each side

4. Sew from pin to pin around the bottom of the fabric

5. Press top seam open, fold to the inside and press again

6. Sew down the opening (folded side) inner edge

7. Fold down edge of the opening and pin to make the ribbon opening

8. Sew bottom of folded edge to make the pocket for the ribbon

9. Turn the bag inside out

10. Feed the ribbon drawstring through using the safety pin to feed the ribbon through.  Feed each ribbon in the opposite direction and tie ends.

11. Attached Sampler to front of the bag using a whip stitch in a coordinating color

A tutorial for making a simple drawstring bag can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP1YwXwcmrQ

 A tutorial for open hem edging can be found on the Modern Folk Embroidery website: https://www.modernfolkembroidery.com/tutorial-open-hem-edging/

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